Version history archive August 6, 2022 version 4.5.0 released: Added support for several JARs (JAR signing is required). First play JAR - is the first JAR in the list. You can add/remove/move JARs in menu Project → JAR settings (or in the drop down menu for the "Project properties" toolbar button). Simulation runs for the selected JAR. Added new action "Select JAR title". Added Options → Interface → Properties right column width. Added File → Backup project. Added batch action to set JAR title for menu. Added validation for using "Current movie" in SWITCH in the main menu. OTTO fonts are allowed in rendering mode. Fixed popup assigning when Importing DoStudio projects. Added Project properties → Menu → Highlighting → Highlight chapters in popup for the current movie only - allows you to highlight chapters not from the current movie if disabled. Project properties → Menu → Animation moved to the Advanced tab. Added "On update current" action for menu/popup. Called when menu updates the current state. Can be used for custom current states (show/hide current states). Added Tools → Video encoders - starts video encoders UI. Added support for HDR subtitles. Added Project properties → Menu → Menu playlist → Single playlist. Allows you to combine all menu videos in one playlist. Useful if you have several videos in a menu only. Added "Just enable Interactive mode" for unchecked "Automatically calculate Key Interest Table" in JAR settings. Added "JAR settings" button in the Project properties and "On JAR startup" in the JAR settings. Added mux by tsMuxer for UHD (UHD version only). Angles added for playlists (you can use "Add angle" button in the playlist window). Added copy/paste in animations edit window. Added Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V support for animations, actions, streams. Internal muxer updated. Added Unicode file names support for tsMuxer. JAR Settings added to the First Play / Top Menu actions. Added script functions to work with bookmarks in the current playlist. PIP audio fixed. Added script functions to change mute and sound gain for PIP and primary audio. Added support for PIP EDL file (PIP metadata text file), except tsMuxer. Menu simulation fixed. Mux by tsMuxer of playlists with "Separated fields" fixed. Fixed an issue with chapter actions text in the Scenes window. Visibility of button states (Normal/Selected/Activated/Current) now saved and restored after application restart. "Auto-assign" toolbar button renamed to "Auto assignment and wizards". Added "Create timeline wizard" in the "Auto assignment and wizards" drop-down menu. Calculation algorithm for approximate disc size updated. Installer updated Help updated. October 31, 2021 version 4.2.5 released: PSD import (BDS format): layers with identical names now added as linked objects for button states. PSD import: added support for opacity effect (imported as opacity effect). 3D and PIP are now allowed for mux by tsMuxer. Subtitles generator: added support for SD video. Now you can change the font style in the text state edit window. Added possibility to set up the auto-assign buttons in the PSD import. Generate scene menus from image template: removed "Start at chapter", chapter numbers are now based on selected chapters only, allow to move a placeholder using position fields. Added settings for the MUXOPT: Project properties → Streams → Additional tsMuxer parameters. Added Tools → Options → Muxers → Other → Allow mux in background. Allows to run internal muxer and tsMuxer in background and continue working with the project. Added Project properties → Advanced → "Store user defined parameters in storage" and "Store first ... GPRs in storage". Added Project properties → Streams → Subtitles → Encoding (used within auto-correct process). Added Project properties → Advanced → Binding. Added ability to resize for Scenes window. Progress bar added to the taskbar. WavMixer updated. Project load optimized. Fixed sliding animation issue. Fixed issue when fixing wav files during the mux process. Copy object fixed. Fixed issue with DoStudio PSD import. Fixed issue with SWITCH in Top Menu. Convert to script for First Play and Top Menu fixed. Fixes for DPI. Fixed issue with encoding video for menu. Generating META fixed. Fixed removing duplicated subtitles. Added 32-bit version. Help updated. April 5, 2021 version 4.2.4 released: Optimized project loading (30% faster). Added automatic restart of compilation if we need to set the initial value of the effect when applying the "Set property". Window for editing the state of a text object: added a button for rendering text to an image. Window for editing the state of a text object: added a flag "Global text". Makes the text the same within the project. Thus, you only need to change one text during the disc playback. Added warning about PlayStation 3 memory limitation. Mux by tsMuxer added to the main progress bar. Dynamic load: fixed QueueTimer and animation initialization. Project properties → Advanced → added "Optimize commands". Project properties → Advanced → added "Pack internal names". Rename added to batch operations. Removed progress bar settings: the last position is now remembered. Scenes menu carousel generator: removed unused actions/animations. Project properties → Menu → Animation: you can now disable "Reset clipping". Added import of animated buttons from Scenarist PS Designer PSD file. Added "I:" prefix for menus in the PSD import - skips the specified menu. Added "STOP:" prefix for menus in the PSD import of the extended BDS format - stops import. Fixed adding/editing scenes for video with the "Separated fields" scan type when using tsMuxer. SWITCH: custom condition function isPlayed replaced with isPlaying (isPlayed still works). SWITCH: added custom condition functions currentAudio, currentSubtitle, currentSubTrack, currentSubOn. Remove unused animation in scenes menu generator. Added Project properties → Advanced → Optimize objects - replaces identical objects with the same coordinates with one object. Disable this optimization if you change the order of objects between menus. Disable of Project properties → Advanced → "Optimize objects" extended to animated objects. Updated internal components. Added the ability to move the viewport (designer "window"). DTS 2.0 warning level changed from "Error" to "Notice" for internal muxer. Bugfixes and optimization. Help updated. November 25, 2020 version 4.2.3 released: Added the ability to specify menu/movie color in the Project tree. Added a search field in the Project properties (upper right corner). Project properties → Menu → "Play Movie / Jump Menu commands": added "Switch immediately" - to switch audio track immediately. Project properties → Streams: added "Do not switch audio if already selected". Project properties → Streams → Subtitles: added "Correct timing for 23,976 by default". Added Options → Interface → "Show z-order change buttons": "Toolbar only" / "Object list only" / "Both". Added Options → Muxers → tsMuxer → "Use fast mode to generate the index (if possible)" (enabled by default). Generates index file for tsMuxer over 5x faster for most files. Zoom in the designer now zooms to the mouse pointer position. Ctrl + mouse wheel scrolls designer up/down, Shift + mouse wheel scrolls designer left/right. Subtitles generation engine SRT → PNG have been re-written. Auto-assign play movie commands in the matrix: added setting to add close popup with/without animation. Added the ability to reset window positions: menu View → Reset windows. Added the ability to disable automatic restoration of default actions for interactive mode. Project type verification added. Autoclose time/action replaced with Inactivity and added to the main menu. "Action every second" added to the main menu. The part of the Java engine responsible for disc events has been completely rewritten. Seamless menu connection fixed. Bugfixes and optimization. Help updated. July 9, 2020 version 4.2.2 released: Ability to create a carousel menu from any menu. Ability to scale text and rectangles. Ability to scale chapters in the scene menu generator. Ability to set the path for chapter images. Ability to set a name for the scene menu. "Do not scan" for the chapter image creation. WavMixer added. isMenuOnScreen for custom switch. Bugfixes and optimization. Additionally uploaded a new guide How to create a professional looking Blu-ray. May 5, 2020 version 4.2.1 released: Added visual resizing for objects. Added UOP and Seamless settings for playitem in the playlist. "On select" settings added to the Action matrix. Added "Neon" skin. Fixed scene generation. Fixed Box cloning. Other minor fixes and improvements. Additionally uploaded Scenes Menu Generator example — 3 menus showing how the Scenes menu generator works. April 8, 2020 version 4.2 released: Fully 64-bit version. Extended structure window. Extended compilation log. Added validation for file name control characters. Optimized compilation of SWITCH with code conditions. Added import of DoStudio projects. Added support for Layer Set in PSD import. Added color check for BDN+PNG. Added the ability to set GPR in the root of the action list. "Current movie" changed to the "Current movie/menu" in SWITCH. Updated script window: context menu, code formatter, line numbers. Added functions removeAllBookmarks, getDuration, getDurationInSeconds. Added variable duration and %duration% for the "Set object property" window. Added validation for signature settings. "New object" button extended. Copy objects fixed and optimized. Fixed some issues with DPI over 100%. Other optimizations and bugfixes. April 26, 2019 Blu-Disc Studio UHD released! March 31, 2019 version 4.1 released: Added clipping animation. Batch operations were added to the Project tree: replace text or image, move states, add/remove animation group, paste action/animation from clipboard, remove object. Added the ability to auto-generate a scene selection menu using text and rectangles. Extended the ability to generate scene images. Added the ability to render rectangles in images. Added the ability to set the frame rate of the animation engine. Now, if you do not specify the video for the menu, the application will create an infinite slideshow. Multi-line text is now supported. Added "Don't hide previous images" and coordinates of each image to the "Project properties" → "Loading". Optimization and bug fixes. Help updated. October 26, 2018 version 4.0 released: Added the ability to set region restrictions. Added types for rectangles (box/frame/box+frame) and transparency. Added "Render to image" and "Outline" to the text object. Transparency of objects is now visible in the designer. Now you can see the type of object in the "Objects" list (Tools → Options → Interface → Extended icons for object list). Simulation supports "Action every second" and "Auto close action". Action and animation "On select" are added to button actions. Fixed issue with JAR unloading on some Sony players. Added new PSD format (example). Wizard: added BD Audio and Pure Audio® presets. Wizard: added the ability to generate menus - create menus without graphics. Wizard: added the ability to save and load the wizard settings. Wizard: added the ability to automatically create menus from PSD with animations and actions. Fixed issue with color buttons for non-European players. Added inmux PIP. Added "Numeric select scenes" for the movie/playlist. Fixed issue with META. Added the ability to link static objects to the button state (use more than one image for the button state). Added import from the extended PSD format with the ability to specify actions. Added a key store validation during the compilation process to avoid signing problems. Added the ability to specify JAR index. Added the ability to copy actions, animations and button highlighting via the Windows clipboard. Added action "Call Action Every Second". Added "Start Action" for a movie/playlist. Added new Video Guides. April 2, 2018 version 3.5 released: Added help to the simulation window during "movie playback". Relative pathnames. Fixed SWITCH compile in the autoclose action. Fixed cloning for the "Set property" and "Update current states". Fixed stubs for the Play/Pause actions (used for the interactive titles if assign actions to the play/pause). Fixed SWITCH and MultiAction conversion to the script for EverySecond and AutoClose actions. Added "Detect chapter number by time in the Interactive title" to the Project properties → Streams - allows to get the chapter number using media time instead of onMarkReached value. Fixed problems with progress bar and application unload. Fixed isPlayed method. Debug log structured and extended. Fixed script assigned to play/pause/ff/rwd/next/prev . Now Activated state works with text and rectangle too. Fixed anim-object compilation when used the same object more than in one page. Added the ability to use more than one movie in the wizard. Added the ability to use Intro without chapters. Now the recent added bookmark becomes the current bookmark. "Jump bookmark" fixed (didn't hide the main menu). Bookmark time now rounds to one second. index.bdmv removed from the copying of the files after "only JAR" compilation. Fixed MoveToXY (Move to). Added variables %cbm-movie name% and %timer-movie name% for "Set property" action - returns the current bookmark time and the current time for the specified movie. Fixed current bookmark text in "Set property". Now you can disable the Top menu call for movies/playlists in the "Disabled actions" property. It works only if the First play contains "Play movie" command only. And all "End action" commands should be the "Play movie" too. Added CurrentBookmark, isLastBookmark and isFirstBookmark to the SWITCH custom conditions. Added the ability to create User Defined Functions (Project properties → Advanced). Added "set clipping (rect)" to the "Set property" action. The number of Enter animations/actions increased to 10. Now all the first custom actions in SWITCH are always executed. Fixed "set clipping" in the "Set property" action. Added search and replace to the script edit window (Ctrl+F, Ctrl+H). Added copy/paste to the advanced animation window. Fixed getX/getY methods. SWITCH and MultiAction added to the First Play and Top Menu (use with caution). Added the ability to specify a movie for the Top Menu action. Added "Reset movie resume" action to the SWITCH and MultiAction - resets the resume point for the specified movie. Added "Restore data from storage" action to the SWITCH and MultiAction - restores the data from storage. Added item type icon to the button in Jump menu/popup and Set object property. Simulation engine updated - now EndAction should be called by the "End" key, added simulation for the actions assigned to Play/Pause/Next/Prev/FF/RWD (check help for details). Added the ability to switch off subtitles with the specified track number (support for the forced subtitles). Added custom conditions to use with forced subtitles in the SWITCH. Fixed detection of ac3/eac3. Fixed the first playmark placement in the Scene window for playlists with InTime. Fixed decoding of the beginning of the movie in the Scene window for playlists with InTime. Added "Use baseline instead of top for text objects" and "Use middle instead of left for text objects" to the Project properties → Menu. Added showLog method to the Script. Now you can specify a button after double clicking at Jump menu/popup action in the Action matrix. Fixed scale animation for rectangle. Now "Transparency effect" works in the scale animation. Added "Merge projects..." to the File menu - allows merging (import) a part of the other project. Now Jump menu/popup → Enter action/animation shows only for assigned "Enter action/animation". Added a hint to Advanced animation. Added autosize for Action matrix cells (check Tools → Options → Interface). Added "Paste and change" to the Action matrix. It tries to replace all other menus to the current menu during the paste. Enhanced drag-n-drop for the videos/audios/subtitles from Library to the Project tree. Updated SCN PSD import (fixed names and some command support added). Added templates support: File → "Export template" and "Import template". Added "Copy as static" and "Place at the bottom" to the "Copy to" window (objects copying). Fixed compilation for actions with "Execute before" flag. Revised "Autoshow popup" flag compilation - now animation should be visible. Added Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDown hotkeys - selects next/prev tree item. Added "Default project folder" and "Default Template folder" to the Tools → Options. Tools → Options redesigned. Project properties redesigned. Action matrix redesigned. Action list redesigned. August 24, 2017 version 3.1.6 released: Hotfix: fixed problem with the text objects on some players. July 20, 2017 Lite version 1.0.10 released: Fixed problem with PlayStation 4. Fixed a bug where the application profile in the BD-J title was always 1.0. Added the ability to control which profile version should be in the BD-J title. Other minor fixes. July 19, 2017 version 3.1.5 released: Added the ability to create rectangles. Additional fix for PlayStation 4. Other minor fixes. July 4, 2017 version 3.1.0 released: Fixed problem with PlayStation 4. Fixed bug with PES-files validation. MX Pro muxer updated. Added the ability to use fonts (*.ttf, *.otf) and text. May 27, 2017 version 3.0.1 released: Fixed problem in JAR-only compilation in projects with PIP. Fixed bug with PES-files validation. Fixed a bug where the application profile in the BD-J title was always 1.0 (except export in the old Scenarist format). Added the ability to control which profile version should be in the BD-J title. Changed the storage method of chapters. April 4, 2017 Lite version 1.0.9 released: New one-window interface. Ability to import multi-page PS Designer PSD. Ability to import PSD files in DoStudio format. A selection frame for all objects in the designer is added. Ability to select a group of objects using mouse (press and drag). Ability to show navigation links is added. A background image can be shown in the simulation. Ability to load moved projects. Undo is now global. Bugfixes. Help updated. March 27, 2017 version 3.0 released: New one-window interface. JAR signing. Ability to store images outside the JAR. Now you can use more than 8 megapixels of graphics. Resume disc playback. Video scaling is added. Ability to import multi-page PS Designer PSD. Ability to import PSD files in DoStudio format. Slideshow encoder is added. A selection frame for all objects in the designer is added. Ability to select a group of objects using mouse (press and drag). Ability to show navigation links is added. A background image can be shown in the simulation. Ability to load moved projects. Ability to include Current and Selected states into the fade animation. A disc load script is added. Now you can use subtitles in SUP format for Scenarist and internal muxer. Ability to specify PSR in "Set GPR" dialog. New commands "Next chapter" and "Prev Chapter" are added. Undo is now global. Fullscreen for PIP is added. Many other improvements and bugfixes. Help updated. April 6, 2016 Lite version 1.0.7 released: "Project Tree" window divided into the "Project Tree" and "Objects" windows. Added Chapters edit mode without loosing links to the chapters. File types selection and thumbnails are added to the Library. Added drag'n'drop for subtitles and PSD-files. Now you can change the number of the chapter, audio and subtitles track in the button action by double-click in the Matrix and Multi-Action. ffprobe no longer needed. Added the ability to align objects. "Action sound" and "Select sound" are replaced by the sounds for each action of the button (individual sounds for press left/right/up/down/ENTER). "Open menu sound" added. Added the ability to auto-assign button sounds. Added highlighting for the compilation log. New skin added (you can select it in the File → Options menu). Many other improvements and bugfixes. Help updated/fixed/rewritten. April 5, 2016 version 2.5 released: Added Scale animation. Added Scale effect for objects. Ability to customize the animation (fade/slide/scale) via a custom script (Custom animation). Playlists added. "Project Tree" window divided into the "Project Tree" and "Objects" windows. Added Chapters edit mode without loosing links to the chapters. File types selection and thumbnails are added to the Library. Added drag'n'drop for subtitles and PSD-files. Now you can change the number of the enter animation, chapter, audio and subtitles track in the button action by double-click in the Matrix, SWITCH and Multi-Action. ffprobe no longer needed. Added the ability to align objects. "Current chapter" condition can be used in the main menu now. "Action sound" and "Select sound" are replaced by the sounds for each action of the button (individual sounds for press left/right/up/down/ENTER). "Open menu sound" added. Added the ability to auto-assign button sounds. Added highlighting for the compilation log. Added support for the remote control buttons: colored and numeric. Added the execution mode for button action. Now you can set a delay for audio tracks. Muxer and PES-generation engines updated. New skin added (you can select it in the File → Options menu). Many other improvements and bugfixes. Help updated/fixed/rewritten. December 7, 2015 Lite version 1.0.6 released: A new mechanism for the Auto-button. You can now select and delete more than one element of the tree (menu/popup/film). New MultiAction. "Cancel" button is added to the compilation. You can now simulate the End Action, pressing the F1 key in the simulation. Audio/subtitle language is now visible in the Set Audio/Subtitles actions. You can set the action of a button, using the right-click on the object. Button hint can now show the Enter-action. Fixed an issue with an Activated state delay. Fixed an issue with an incorrect frame rate error. Now you can choose a background for the simulation. You can choose jump to the menu button for "First play". Double-click on the "Play Movie" command in the Matrix opens a chapter select dialog. Added "Save complete project" to save the project in the new location, including images and sounds of buttons. Bugfixes. Help update. November 16, 2015 version 2.2 released: Added effects for objects: transparency and fading. New condition In SWITCH: "if selected [button] ...". Basic PIP functionality is added (at this time only for advanced users). A new mechanism for the Auto-button. Now you can get the values of the PSR registers (function PSR() in SWITCH). A new checkbox is added to the SWITCH - Exclusive. You can now select and delete more than one element of the tree (menu/popup/film). MultiAction is now similar to the SWITCH. Now you can set the start and end alpha-values for the fade effect. "Cancel" button is added to the compilation. You can now simulate the End Action, pressing the F1 key in the simulation. Now there are 5 Enter Animations. Each Enter animation has its own auto-action. Audio/subtitle language is now visible in the Set Audio/Subtitles actions. You can set the action of a button, using the right-click on the object. Button hint can now show the Enter-action. Fixed an issue with an Activated state delay. Now you can choose a background for the simulation. You can choose jump to the menu button for "First play" and "Top Menu". Double-click on the "Play Movie" command in the Matrix opens a chapter select dialog. Double-click on the "Jump Menu" command in the Matrix opens an Enter Animation select dialog. Added "Save complete project" to save the project in the new location, including images and sounds of buttons. Bugfixes. Help update. April 12, 2015, version 2.0.121 released: AutoAction replaced on the property "AUTO button" - now uses the "Press ENTER" action and its animation. Undo now works for Highlight in the Action matrix. "Number of additional playitems" moved to the project properties. In the Project properties added: "General → Use Action Sound only for Enter" and "Streams → Switch audio tracks in menu before Play movie". Added "Clear other directions" in the Auto-assign actions. Added MUI Generator version checking (may be false positives - please report). Added effects for the Slide-animation. Bugfix. March 11, 2015, Lite version 1.0.5 released: Added delay for the Activated state. Now you can move the audio and subtitle streams up and down in the Property window. Added the ability to specify a list of chapters in the Wizard. Auto-action added for the button. Added option "Allow empty states in buttons" in the Project properties. Added the ability to configure the available languages in the program settings (File → Languages). User settings now moved to the user's documents (Documents\Blu-Disc Studio Lite). Global bugfix. Global update of the help, FAQ added. March 10, 2015, version 2.0.119 released: Added delay for the Activated state. Now you can move the audio and subtitle streams up and down in the Property window. Export and import are added to the SWITCH window. Now "Include current and selected state" adds these states to the static part of the group animation, if the group does not contain any buttons. Now object (constant) animation does not reset between pages. Added the ability to specify a list of chapters in the Wizard. If you add a line with "*" in the anim-file, the animation will stop at the last frame. Added two functions in the script to jump between chapters: jumpNextMark and jumpPrevMark. Auto-action added for the button. Added option "Allow empty states in buttons" in the Project properties. Added the ability to configure the available languages in the program settings (File → Languages). Now you can specify anim-file for loading process. Added button to center the loading images. Added "Resume negative delay" in the Project properties. Cleaning the GPR at disc startup added to the Project properties. Update assets now enabled by default, and moved to the Project properties (read help). User settings now moved to the user's documents (Documents\Blu-Disc Studio (MX)). Global bugfix. Global update of the help, FAQ added. November 23, 2014, version 2.0 build 115 released: Draw method [Current, Selected/Normal] added. Now simulation supports work with registers. Slideshow added. Movies with identical streams became one clip with several playlists now. Support of TopMenu in tsMuxer was added. Select BUTTON added in SWITCH. Now you can add an empty custom condition in the SWITCH (always executed command). Support of skins is added (for toolbar buttons only). Global refactoring, optimization and bugfixing. Free version of Blu-Disc Studio was updated too.August 20, 2014 - a free version of the Blu-Disc Studio - Blu-Disc Studio Lite 1.0 build 2 released! July 15, 2014, version 2.0 build 104 released: Hotfix: sounds specified on buttons does not work. July 9, 2014, version 2.0 build 103 released: Built-in Muxer now supports compilation of 3D Blu-ray. Added support for the Top Menu button. Resume added. Now you can specify the animation in Scenes creation window. Added list of recent projects. Added possibility to use tsMuxer with Blu-Disc Studio. Now you can switch on/off button sounds. Added the ability to use the images in Loading. The scale of the simulation window added. Now you can copy the Auto and End Actions, Enter and ClosePopup Animations in the Action Matrix. Added function Assign chapters (automatic assignment for Play MOVIE - Chapters). Now you can disable rewind and change the current track for the video. Added the ability to work with GPR-registers. Added the ability to save the project generated script for the purpose of understanding how the program works. Added the ability to write Java-based script on the actions and on achieve a specific scene (playmark). Added the ability to specify Select and Action sound for each button. Added approximate calculation of the disk size. Global optimization, bugfixing and usability improve. January 14, 2014, version 1.2 build 74 released: Hotfix: auto action in popup disappeared when reopening project. Wrong setting for subtitles in Auto Init Hightlight. Copy close popup animation and autoclose during scene creation. Other minor fixes. Demo project bdmd-files updated. January 3, 2014, version 1.2 build 72 released: Hotfix: simulation without mui-files fixed. Hotfix: import very old projects fixed. Demo project bdmd-files updated. January 2, 2014, version 1.2 build 71 released: Animated objects added. Recompile JAR ability. Ability to use slide and fade together. New button state Activated added. Ability to skip animation when jumping to the button. Draw methods: Current/Normal/Selected and Selected/Normal/Current. Recent projects added. Auto-init highlight used while cloning menus. Anim groups are now shown in the object list. More designer grids. Help updated/fixed/corrected. Bugfixes. November 11, 2013, version 1.1 build 62 released Hotfix: fixed bug with importing more than one PSD in wizard. Hotfix: fixed bug with menu audio trimming in MX version, without Scenarist. Several animation groups (5 at this moment, but can be increased later). 2D/3D mode for starting 3D discs. Ability to specify multiple HighlightValue separated by commas. SWITCH added to the Multiple actions. You can now enter multiple values in SWITCH condition field, using commas (,) and dash (-). Ability to show Selected and Current states during Slide animation. Sequential and parallel animation added. Jump into menu with skipping the Enter animation - [No animation] added. Ability to copy objects (Ctrl+C) into the multiple menus. MasterPopup removed. Bugfixes. September 26, 2013, version 1.1 build 47 released Export in Scenarist 5.x format for 2D-projects (File\Options\Export 2D projects in Scenarist 5.x format). Bugfixes. September 22, 2013, version 1.1 build 46 released Now works correctly with video starting not from 00:00:00:00. Auto-detects the presence of images for scenes in scene menu generation (makes checkboxes unchecked). Additional setting for Scenarist 5.7 (File\Options). Code generated for menu simulation improved. Added "Disable No-3D-hardware warning" in project settings. If button animation (on close popup button) and close popup animation both specified, than only close popup animation is used. Now 3D mode is switched on after starting a 3D video. Jump from one movie popup into another movie popup now works properly. Other bugfixes. August 28, 2013, version 1.1 build 42 released Bugfixes. August 27, 2013, version 1.1 build 41 released Clipping area added to the slide animation. Menu simulation (preview) added. Autoclose animation replaced with close popup animation. Chapters import/export divided into Drop/NonDrop. Fixed local switch jump. Fixed incorrect Draw method copying during menu clone. June 23, 2013, version released Bugfixes. June 20, 2013, version released Animation for Selected state. Animation for autoclose popup feature. Clone all from menu into popup and vice versa. Other minor changes and improvements. Bugfixes. May 3, 2013, version released Autoclose popup. Added bmpWidth/bmpHeight/bmpLeft/bmpTop into chapters preset. Added Multi-Action for the End-Action. Added Draw method (defines the order of button states on the screen). Added Action matrix (the window, where you can copy and paste actions, animations and highlights). Help is fixed/updated/corrected. Added LPE (Large projects edition) version of application. This is a test version of the program - designed to work with large projects. Bugfixes. April 15, 2013, version released 3D is added to the Multi-action. "Autoselect chapters" is added to the scenes menu generation for popup menus (via Switch). April 9, 2013, version released Switch now supports conditions on a chapter, audio and subtitles with the movie / group. Bugfixes. March 24, 2013, version released Generation of 3D: added Intro and button sounds support. Ability to move playmarks and checkbox "Create animation group" added into the scenes creation. Seamless and Loading options moved into the project properties. Bugfixes. March 15, 2013, version released Generation of 3D project is almost complete. WARNING: Intro is not yet supported. Added "Auto-init higlight value" option (File - Options) - automatically sets the value of the "Highlight" when selecting actions Set audio/subtitles or Play movie/chapter. WARNING: highlight is not removed automatically. Bugfixes. March 11, 2013, hotfix released LibAV library updated. Objects moving/selection fixed. March 10, 2013, hotfix released fixed SRT-files import. March 1, 2013, initial release