What's New
August 11, 2024 version 4.6.4 released:
- JAR startup / First Play and Top Menu have been moved to a separate dockable window.
- Added support for the "Select Title" command in the Structure.
- Added "Word-wrap" and "Fit in window" for the Action Matrix options.
- Current added to the "Copy to" state list.
- Added FAQ for several JARs.
- Added Batch operations → Paste effect from clipboard.
- Copy name(s) added to the context menu of the Project tree / Designer / Object list.
- Added an ability to specify an X/Y offset for Copy to.
- Added "Add using template" to the SWITCH.
- Added Tools → Options → Action Matrix → Expand Scripts in Switches/Multi-Actions too.
- Added highlighting for simulation errors in the main log window.
- UHD version: muxer updated.
- Added preview text for chapter menu generation.
- Added ability to import chapter list without frames/milliseconds.
- Added a warning if the Top Menu is specified but not allowed, or allowed but not specified.
- Convert subtitles to HDR now supports images with palette.
- Search is added to the log window.
- Click on a column in the Library now sorts the list.
- Added update notification (check Options → General → Check for updates on startup).
- Added currentJAR variable that returns the current JAR index (will return 5 for 00005).
- Simulation now shows "movie" in "played" mode (not "paused" as it was before).
- Added Tools → Options → Compile → Simulation → "Output the simulation log in the main window log".
- Added an ability to pin subtitles to the bottom line (check Subtitles edit window).
- OpenSSL added to the installer.
- Added additional JAR signature validations.
- Subtitles window: regeneration of subtitles stream fixed.
- Custom playlist fixed.
- Fixed autosize of the Action Matrix.
- Fixed drag'n'drop from Windows Explorer.
- Fixed drag'n'drop for 3D MVC streams.
- Fixed skin switching.
- Help updated.
- Bugfixes.
June 3, 2024 version 4.6.3 released:
- Fixed highlighting of search value in "Project Properties".
- If compilation failed, copy the file where the error occurred to the script folder.
- Added an ability to loop auto-assignment of buttons for Directions mode.
- Ability to export menus/popups to PSD (Adobe Photoshop should be installed, the process uses 2 steps - please wait till the second step finishes).
- "Project properties" → "Output folder": you can now specify "Add project folder name", "Add project file name", "Add current date/time" and "Warn if output is not empty".
- Added a check that output folder does not point to the project folder.
- F3 shortcut added for the Script editor.
- Ctrl+Shift+Mouse wheel scrolls viewport left/right, Alt+Shift+Mouse wheel scrolls viewport up/down.
- Ctrl+Enter in SWITCH and Multi-Action windows closes the window.
- Added "Global" flag for object state effects - the state will remain global despite the effects applied.
- Added "Convert BDMD Project for HDR" to the "Save Complete As..." filter list - applies the "Convert for HDR" conversion and unchecks this property.
- Fixed "Delete" key in the Properties window in text fields.
- Autosize matrix bugfixes and "On every action vertical only" settings were added to the Options.
- Select title fixed.
- Show advanced animation type in the matrix.
- Fixed conversion to script for "On JAR startup".
- Adjusting FirstEventInTC, LastEventOutTC and NumberofEvents for subtitles imported from BDN.XML.
- Added FrameRate validation for subtitles imported from BDN.XML.
- Added Tools → Options → "Automatically add pair bracket in script editor" (for selected text works always, without this setting enabled).
- Added Conversion Multi-Action to SWITCH when you select SWITCH instead of Multi-Action.
- Added Conversion SWITCH to Multi-Action when you select Multi-Action instead of SWITCH and all actions in SWITCH without conditions.
- Scenarist project version settings are combined into one drop-down list.
- Add any action to SWITCH while converting it to SWITCH.
- MVC second eye drag and drop is fixed.
- Subtitles export fixed.
- Added increase/decrease while pressing up/down and validation for Application and Organization IDs.
- Middle button click on a chapter in the chapter list in the Scenes window changes chapter action.
- Middle button click in SWITCH/MA edits action.
- Fixed export to Scenarist of SDR subtitles.
- Reduced contrast of dialog windows in the Dark theme.
- Added ability to duplicate JAR in JAR settings
- Script editor settings moved to Tools → Options → Tools → "Script editor".
- Added Tools → Options → Tools → "Script editor" → "Close Search window after finding".
- Search window in Script editor picks up a word under the cursor.
- Ctrl+Click in Script editor navigates to a function or constant in a separate read-only window.
- Fixed image rendering from the text edit window.
- Fixed the dependent video path in the project backup.
- Fixed button icons for DPI not a multiple of 100.
- Fixed subtitle preview for DPI not a multiple of 100.
- Fixed zoom in/out in subtitles preview.
- Fixed drop-down lists with system fonts.
- Fixed disc/title bound/unbound for the first JAR.
February 25, 2024 version 4.6.2 released:
- Now using black dummy pre-encoded video if video was not found for the menu.
- Added support for bucket values in the DoStudio project import.
- Now showing a warning if some values between the Root and Application certificates are identical.
- Added Paste → "Add to existing (before/after)" in the Action Matrix. Converts the existing action to Multi-Action and adds new action to it.
- Fixed LFE error false positive for DTS-HD in the internal muxer.
- Fixed Library: filter, multiselect.
- Fixed auto-assign buttons in PSD import.
- Fixed project backup: saving subtitles from outside the project folder, added video of the wrong region and DoStudio subtitles.
- Added Neon light skin (for the dark style).
- Activates the menu/movie in which an error occurred during compilation.
- Added autosize for Action Matrix on action change (check Tools → Options → General → Action matrix).
- Added Project properties → Advanced → "Execute onSelect forcibly".
- Fixed subtitles rendering.
- Tools → Options → Interface → Log window font size.
- Fixed HDR colors conversion.
- Index generation engine for tsMuxer updated.
- Added delay for the loading stages.
- Added functions getLevel() and getDB().
- Added "Project properties" → Menu → "Menu end action".
- Added drag'n'drop from file explorer.
- Added "Project properties" → Streams → "Allow last chapter at last frame".
- Added ability to specify state for the "Copy to..." → "Copy as static".
- Log colorized.
- Added Delete/Clear action to the context menu of the Properties window.
- Added partial re-mux for internal muxer and tsMuxer (in the right-click menu of Project Tree).
- Added next/prev chapter buttons in the Scenes window.
- Added basic video compatibility check.
- Holding the Ctrl key while "dragging" in Structure window assigns End Action for movie.
- Added "Delete global muxer cache" in the Options to delete the whole cache.
- Added "Dependent video" for menu/movie for 3D.
- Custom menu playlist: added copy, paste and apply to all.
- Added an ability to use GPRs 1-5 for the current state highlighting.
- Ability to specify feature list for loading screens (JAR settings → Use features instead of files).
- Ability to hide loading dynamically (JAR settings → Skip loading if GPR[1]=65535).
- Fixed compilation of several JARs.
- Select All (Ctrl+A) added for Library, Object list, Project Tree and Designer.
- The "No 3D warning" text has now been moved to the Project Properties and saved in the project.
- Allows to paste code from a clipboard directly in the Action Matrix.
- Added "Show Current for chapters outside the screen" in the scene menu generator (at the bottom).
- XML engine has been completely rewritten (increases speed and stability of loading/saving/exporting/muxing).
- Warns if region restriction was enabled for UHD.