What's New

June 3, 2024 version 4.6.3 released:

  • Fixed highlighting of search value in "Project Properties".
  • If compilation failed, copy the file where the error occurred to the script folder.
  • Added an ability to loop auto-assignment of buttons for Directions mode.
  • Ability to export menus/popups to PSD (Adobe Photoshop should be installed, the process uses 2 steps - please wait till the second step finishes).
  • "Project properties" → "Output folder": you can now specify "Add project folder name", "Add project file name", "Add current date/time" and "Warn if output is not empty".
  • Added a check that output folder does not point to the project folder.
  • F3 shortcut added for the Script editor.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Mouse wheel scrolls viewport left/right, Alt+Shift+Mouse wheel scrolls viewport up/down.
  • Ctrl+Enter in SWITCH and Multi-Action windows closes the window.
  • Added "Global" flag for object state effects - the state will remain global despite the effects applied.
  • Added "Convert BDMD Project for HDR" to the "Save Complete As..." filter list - applies the "Convert for HDR" conversion and unchecks this property.
  • Fixed "Delete" key in the Properties window in text fields.
  • Autosize matrix bugfixes and "On every action vertical only" settings were added to the Options.
  • Select title fixed.
  • Show advanced animation type in the matrix.
  • Fixed conversion to script for "On JAR startup".
  • Adjusting FirstEventInTC, LastEventOutTC and NumberofEvents for subtitles imported from BDN.XML.
  • Added FrameRate validation for subtitles imported from BDN.XML.
  • Added Tools → Options → "Automatically add pair bracket in script editor" (for selected text works always, without this setting enabled).
  • Added Conversion Multi-Action to SWITCH when you select SWITCH instead of Multi-Action.
  • Added Conversion SWITCH to Multi-Action when you select Multi-Action instead of SWITCH and all actions in SWITCH without conditions.
  • Scenarist project version settings are combined into one drop-down list.
  • Add any action to SWITCH while converting it to SWITCH.
  • MVC second eye drag and drop is fixed.
  • Subtitles export fixed.
  • Added increase/decrease while pressing up/down and validation for Application and Organization IDs.
  • Middle button click on a chapter in the chapter list in the Scenes window changes chapter action.
  • Middle button click in SWITCH/MA edits action.
  • Fixed export to Scenarist of SDR subtitles.
  • Reduced contrast of dialog windows in the Dark theme.
  • Added ability to duplicate JAR in JAR settings
  • Script editor settings moved to Tools → Options → Tools → "Script editor".
  • Added Tools → Options → Tools → "Script editor" → "Close Search window after finding".
  • Search window in Script editor picks up a word under the cursor.
  • Ctrl+Click in Script editor navigates to a function or constant in a separate read-only window.
  • Fixed image rendering from the text edit window.
  • Fixed the dependent video path in the project backup.
  • Fixed button icons for DPI not a multiple of 100.
  • Fixed subtitle preview for DPI not a multiple of 100.
  • Fixed zoom in/out in subtitles preview.
  • Fixed drop-down lists with system fonts.
  • Fixed disc/title bound/unbound for the first JAR.

February 25, 2024 version 4.6.2 released:

  • Now using black dummy pre-encoded video if video was not found for the menu.
  • Added support for bucket values in the DoStudio project import.
  • Now showing a warning if some values between the Root and Application certificates are identical.
  • Added Paste → "Add to existing (before/after)" in the Action Matrix. Converts the existing action to Multi-Action and adds new action to it.
  • Fixed LFE error false positive for DTS-HD in the internal muxer.
  • Fixed Library: filter, multiselect.
  • Fixed auto-assign buttons in PSD import.
  • Fixed project backup: saving subtitles from outside the project folder, added video of the wrong region and DoStudio subtitles.
  • Added Neon light skin (for the dark style).
  • Activates the menu/movie in which an error occurred during compilation.
  • Added autosize for Action Matrix on action change (check Tools → Options → General → Action matrix).
  • Added Project properties → Advanced → "Execute onSelect forcibly".
  • Fixed subtitles rendering.
  • Tools → Options → Interface → Log window font size.
  • Fixed HDR colors conversion.
  • Index generation engine for tsMuxer updated.
  • Added delay for the loading stages.
  • Added functions getLevel() and getDB().
  • Added "Project properties" → Menu → "Menu end action".
  • Added drag'n'drop from file explorer.
  • Added "Project properties" → Streams → "Allow last chapter at last frame".
  • Added ability to specify state for the "Copy to..." → "Copy as static".
  • Log colorized.
  • Added Delete/Clear action to the context menu of the Properties window.
  • Added partial re-mux for internal muxer and tsMuxer (in the right-click menu of Project Tree).
  • Added next/prev chapter buttons in the Scenes window.
  • Added basic video compatibility check.
  • Holding the Ctrl key while "dragging" in Structure window assigns End Action for movie.
  • Added "Delete global muxer cache" in the Options to delete the whole cache.
  • Added "Dependent video" for menu/movie for 3D.
  • Custom menu playlist: added copy, paste and apply to all.
  • Added an ability to use GPRs 1-5 for the current state highlighting.
  • Ability to specify feature list for loading screens (JAR settings → Use features instead of files).
  • Ability to hide loading dynamically (JAR settings → Skip loading if GPR[1]=65535).
  • Fixed compilation of several JARs.
  • Select All (Ctrl+A) added for Library, Object list, Project Tree and Designer.
  • The "No 3D warning" text has now been moved to the Project Properties and saved in the project.
  • Allows to paste code from a clipboard directly in the Action Matrix.
  • Added "Show Current for chapters outside the screen" in the scene menu generator (at the bottom).
  • XML engine has been completely rewritten (increases speed and stability of loading/saving/exporting/muxing).
  • Warns if region restriction was enabled for UHD.

October 28, 2023 version 4.6.1 released:

  • Fixed DoStudio project import (added aliases for subtitle values).
  • Fixed empty layers issue in PSD import.
  • Script functions added to the SWITCH condition list.
  • Fixed script functions usage in SWITCH.
  • Added Ctrl+Enter to save changed script.
  • Added names conversion for the "Numeric select scenes script".
  • Use baseline/middleline for text in project properties now used as default values (does not override these values for objects).
  • Added ability to copy enter action for the menu by selecting its number and clicking copy in the action matrix.
  • Undocked window drawing for the dark theme fixed.
  • Fixed baseline calculation for High DPI.
  • Fixed issue with static images in the scenes menu generator.
  • Project tree and library docking/undocking fixed.
  • Number of animation groups and enter animations/actions increased to 20.
  • Added Tools → Options → Interface → "Groups at left in animation lists".
  • Added right click menu to the animation list in the animation edit window. Allows to set duration for all animations in list and replace values.
  • Small icons updated for dark theme and high DPI.
  • Activation fixed.
  • Title order fixed.
  • Library updated.

September 27, 2023 version 4.6.0 released:

  • Structure window fully refactored. Added: ability to move items and save positions, script parsing, do not redraw if closed.
  • Added ability to apply alpha to the image for the transparency effect.
  • Added "Browsable audio" to the playlist properties. If specified, will create a browsable playlist.
  • Added alphabetical mode to the Autoassign transitions.
  • Added Tools → Options → Tools → "External script editor" that allows to use an external script editor in the script edit window (a button in the script edit window).
  • Now using UTF-8 icons instead of notice/warning/error texts.
  • Added ability to use custom playlist in menus (enable this feature in program options).
  • Added ability to specify offset for subtitles.
  • Added Numeric Select Scenes customizable delay.
  • Added Numeric Select Scenes script ("Project properties" → "Functions").
  • VS 2012 Dark is now completely dark skin.
  • New color selection component.
  • Added Tools → Convert BDN.
  • xml+PNG for HDR.
  • "Show menu after movie starts" added to the "Project properties" → "Advanced".
  • Import PSD: added ability to apply opacity to image, reset opacity effect, skip invisible layers.
  • User defined parameters: added arrays.
  • All coordinates now displayed in left/top.
  • Added disc region for simulation.
  • Added ability to set spacing between letters for text.
  • Added menu clips duplication to avoid CMF issues. (Project properties → Advanced → Duplicate menu clips to make them consecutive).
  • 3D settings separated for each JAR.
  • Added number of play items validation for single playlist.
  • Added new Java function manager.hideMenu().
  • Added new Java function getChapterTimeByNumber(playlistId/movieName, chapterId) - returns chapter time in nanoseconds.
  • Added a window to confirm what to copy for the "Copy properties to all".
  • Now saving all parameters for the text edit window (not only the color).
  • Added target list for the "Copy properties to..." window.
  • Added title search/visibility setting in the Project properties → Advanced.
  • Added Action Every Second frequency setting in the Project properties → Advanced.
  • Added "Save to Default" for JAR settings (a drop-down menu for the Save button).
  • Added validation: each video in menu for single playlist should be longer than 3 seconds.
  • Monospace fonts changed to Consolas.
  • Single playlist behavior changed. Now it does not hide menu graphics while navigating from one menu to another. To hide the graphics use any hiding animation on the button (like fade out for all) and add script command "manager.menuCalled = true;" to the button action.
  • tsMuxer: default video parameters was reset to empty. If you need them back - please type "insertSEI, contSPS" in the "Project properties" → "Streams" → "Additional tsMuxer parameters" → "video" and press "Save as Default".
  • High DPI fixed.
  • Fixed muxer issue with old cached files.
  • Fixed Script and Switch/MA window colors. Changed Switch/MA shortcuts (see help).
  • Log and Matrix flickering fixed.
  • Fixed docker window minimum size.
  • Font initialization issue fixed in the New object window.
  • Fixed several JAR project loading.
  • Fixed Scenarist "Out of memory" with signed projects.
  • Fixed several JARs for the old Scenarist projects.
  • Fixed crash when movie group contains only virtual movies.
  • isPIPFSon/isPIPFSoff fixed.
  • Fixed text rendering.
  • Fixed navigation arrows.
  • Designer default scale fixed.
  • Library default view fixed.
  • AudioPresentationType for MLP fixed.
  • Fixed issue with clip order in CMF.
  • Backup project: fixed copy SPI for slideshows and PNGs for BDN.xml.
  • Certificate validation fixed.
  • Fixed chapter deletion in the scenes window direct mode.
  • Fixed error in Set object property window.
  • Fixed issue with JAR class path in CMF for several JARs.
  • HDR checkbox fixed for BDN.xml subtitles.
  • Meta large image open filter fixed.
  • tsMuxer: 3D background video for menu fixed.

Version history archive